Category: General
It’s a Bird. It’s a Plane. It’s a… Flying Saucer? The Conversation Just Got Real
Let the record show: conversation around unidentified anomalous phenomena has gone from the dark web to the White House. Have we been here before? The Oct. Socionomist puts the “Flying Saucer Mania” into historical context.
Disneyland to Grisleyland: The Horror Movie Renaissance is Here
Happy Horrorween! The Nov. Socionomist treats you to a thrilling report on the historic correlation between horror movie popularity and negative social mood. Read on if you dare!
The Black Box of Social Mood: Boeing Company (NYSE: BA) Crashes & Burns
In early 2019, our sociometer for Boeing flashed red: the Big Board heavyweight was headed for a painful bear market. Today the American icon is an American eyesore, riddled with scandal and gripped by an 80% stock selloff to multiyear lows. The full story takes off from here.